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Intensive English Language Program

Hampstead Primary School is one of few schools in South Australia with the Intensive English Learning Program (IELP).

IELP centres provide Intensive English language support for students who:

  • were born overseas, in a non-english speaking country, and have been in Australia for no more than 12 months (18 months for Junior Primary age students)
  •  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from remote or isolated communities and with minimal English and limited orientation to the urban environment are eligible to enrol in IELP following approval by the EALD Program.
  • are a refugee, migrant or approved temporary resident

Our role is to prepare students to access the Australian curriculum, to develop student’s confidence to live in the Australian community and to successfully transition students into mainstream learning.

This is achieved through:

  •  explicit English instruction
  •  small classes
  •  learning English through curriculum areas
  •  a variety of real-life activities including excursions and social events
  •  bilingual school services officers, community liaison officers and interpreters supporting students and their families to engage with the education program.

At Hampstead Primary School the Intensive English Language Centre is an integral part of the school with all students engaged in a variety of whole-school programs.

For more information please contact our IELP Senior Leader,

Marta Cichonski Ph:8261 2248